ALI「NEON feat. The Crane」Spotify Canvas(楽曲再生画面の後ろで流れるショートムービー)に掲載する動画を皆様から期間限定で募集致します。
The Crane公式アカウント(@theqrane)
その映像の中からSpotify Canvasに期間内にランダムで掲載させていただきます。
【Spotify Canvas掲載期間】
【Spotify ALI「NEON feat. The Crane」はこちらから】
■Spotify Canvas機能について
現在はALI「NEON feat. The Crane」のイメージ映像が設定されています。
・この注意事項は、募集期間内にALI公式アカウント(、The Crane公式アカウント(@theqrane)の2つのアカウントをタグ付けして投稿するすべての投稿に適用するものとさせていただきます。
・20 歳未満の方は、保護者の同意を得た上で投稿してください。20 歳未満の方が投稿された場合は、保護者の同意を得た上で投稿されたものとみなします。
為你的NEON添加色彩!ALI《NEON feat. The Crane》Spotify Canvas徵集活動
我們正在徵集將用於ALI《NEON feat. The Crane》Spotify Canvas(歌曲播放畫面背景的短影片)中的影片!
請將你最喜歡的霓虹燈影像影片,標記ALI官方帳號(以及The Crane官方帳號(@theqrane),並在募集期間內上傳至Instagram的限時動態。從投稿的影片中,我們將隨機選出並展示於Spotify Canvas中!
或許你的影片還會被ALI和The Crane親自查看?!
這是限時的ALI與The Crane合作企劃,期待你的參與!
2024年12月26日~2024年12月29日 23:59
【Spotify Canvas展示期間】
【Spotify ALI《NEON feat. The Crane》連結】
■關於Spotify Canvas功能
Spotify的「Canvas」功能,能在播放歌曲時於畫面背景顯示短影片。目前設置的影像為ALI《NEON feat. The Crane》的官方影像。
ALI “NEON feat. The Crane” Spotify Canvas (a short movie that plays behind the playback screen of the song) is now accepting videos from everyone for a limited time. Please tag your favorite video of Neon on the official ALI account ( and the official The Crane account (@theqrane), and post it on Instagram Stories during the application period. The videos will be posted on Spotify Canvas at random during the application period.
Application period
December 26, 2024 (Thursday) – December 29, 2024 (Sunday) 23:59
Spotify Canvas Listing Period
January 11, 2024 (Saturday) – January 24, 2025 (Friday)
Canvas will be changed multiple times during the period.
[Spotify ALI “NEON feat. The Crane” here]
Example of video
Please do not delete your video after submitting it, as ALI official account ( staff will send you a DM and upload your video to the cloud separately.
Translated with (free version)
About the Spotify Canvas feature
Canvas” is a short movie that plays behind the playback screen when playing a song on Spotify.
Currently, the image of ALI’s “NEON feat. The Crane” is set.
*Please tap the playback bar at the bottom of the screen as well as select & play the song.
Canvas will be played only from the mobile app (not from PC). (Not available from PC)
The video can be enjoyed when playing a song from a mobile device regardless of whether the subscription plan is paid or free.
To view the video, you must not only select and play the song, but also tap the playback bar at the bottom of the song.
When “Data Saving Mode” is turned on, the Canvas function is automatically turned off. Please check the setting if the video is not displayed when using the mobile application.
If Canvas does not play, your device’s OS and Spotify app may not be up to date.
Translated with (free version)
■Precautions for use
This rule applies to all submissions tagged with the official ALI account ( and the official The Crane account (@theqrane) during the application period.
We will not be able to respond to requests to delete videos posted on the site. We will not be able to respond to requests for deletion of posted videos.
Please submit photo materials only with the approval of the photographer and all the people in the photo. In the unlikely event that a problem arises with a third party, no one involved in this project will be involved in any way.
The contributor warrants that the submitted content does not violate any laws or regulations, and does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy, or other rights of third parties (e.g., portraits of celebrities). (e.g., portraits of celebrities, characters, brand logos, etc.) Please obtain any necessary permissions before posting.
Photos taken in prohibited areas or deemed offensive to public order and morals will not be accepted.
If you are under 20 years of age, please obtain the consent of a parent or guardian before submitting your photo.
If you are under 20 years old, we will assume that your parent or guardian has consented to your submission.
The submitted videos will not be used for any purpose other than this campaign.
The videos submitted to Canvas are subject to change without prior notice.
Please note that there is a possibility that we may combine videos from multiple users or trim the submitted videos.
If you have set your Instagram account to private, please change it to public before participating.
If you have a private Instagram account, please change it to public before participating in the contest.